my first photo in nearly 3 months !not exactly what i wanted but the best i could get with the only lens i have at the moment (i would have liked to have taken a few steps back and to have zoomed in more there by enlarging the sun) . on a personal note …it felt good to see the sun again , there has been a blanket of grey over sligo since i cant remember when ! . thoughts appreciated as always
Dominantly red at the first glance but composition is spot on and the spray and the streakey clouds around the Sun; pleasant once you look at the whole picture..thumbs up from me! :)
thanks for feedback everybody . sndipo and sirvad ,i agree with you both about the red…it probably is too much . i had a 3 stop reverse nd grad and a 2 stop hard nd grad on for this, so there was a bit of colour cast ( cant afford Lee’s unfortunately…so Hitec it is ). i tried to get rid of most of it in pp….i could have worked on the red when i was at it !… maybe brought down the saturation slightly and moved it more towards orange. saying that ,there was an amazing sky that eve!