A friend of mine has a compact digital camera. He inadvartently performed a ‘low level’ format of the SD card which deleted all his photos. Are these photos recoverable in any way??
as long as the low-level format was not a complete write of 0’s etc to the entire amount of storage you should be safe – if it was just a reformat, then most recovery utilities should be able to retrieve/assemble the file data – best of luck
like other posters have said: if nothing else was written on the card after formatting you should be fine. i was able to recover images after 2 formats from a bad CF card. even is somethig was written on the card after the format all is not lost, just the pics in the sectors that were over written – so you’ll only loose a few images. if the SD is a sandisk they have a really good software http://www.lc-tech.com/software/rprodetail.html. you can download a demo version and you’ll be able to run a recovery with it but it won’t let you save the images though. it’ll even give you a preview of the rescued images. good luck, and do’nt worry too much about it: TIHS HAPPENS a lot!