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Backyard Fence

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Backyard Fence

  • Oatesy

    Didnt think it counted as Nature so I stuck it in here

    Was learning how to use the manual focus with this one, :)

    C&C any1?


    It’s interesting.
    I would crop out the windows in the background. The colours are nice but maybe I would go for b&w….. Have a look the quick edited versions.
    I added some sharpness as well.


    Thx for the adive roberto , i did try B&W and sharpening the image,, but i felt the colours gave it
    a sureal effect,Also I see your point with the windows but im a complete beginner with photo editing
    and if you look carefully the windows give an impression of a cross blurred into the background,
    Thanks for the advice though


    I quite like the windows in the background… the colours are nice… but it just seems to be missing a bit of a punch. Not really sure what I would do to fix it though.


    doyou think it could be the fact that there is background at the very right of the picture instead of the post framing the picture
    or that there really should be a robin on the fence.:) thats what i was actualy going for but he flew off to quickly

    Edit: Nevermind about the post at the very right,Robert croped that :), I think its just missing the bird

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