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Bad News?

  • Mark

    While its of course fine to disagree perhaps the method of doing so mightn’t be the best ;)


    Well that depends on the individual.

    Some people get upset when people suggest there might be a halo on their photo.

    Some people get the hump when we have a harmless chat about dish washers.

    Some people have up and left when they got 0 comments on their photos.

    I’ve been ridiculed here many a time, sometimes even ridiculing myself, and I always enjoyed it as to me it was always a bit of craic. I’m sure Liam will come around.

    Other people don’t laugh at these things… but thats life.


    I don’t imagine the state or employers will be able to support everyone on a 2 day week.

    Alan Rossiter


    Unfortunately bad news scares people whether it be real or if it’s manipulated to emphasise the greater picture. I refer to the example I gave above. In a depression this fuels a spiral of less spending. Don’t get me wrong, this all stems from the banking situation but the daily barrage of negativity doesn’t help even the little progress that could be made.



    But if Liam really does have the hump about my post then I do apologize of course.

    I was just being satirical Liam, nothing personal and I didn’t mean to be offensive.

    I’ll drop ya a PM and make sure that we’re good.



    Aah come’on it was funny, lighten up a wee bit, “look on the bright side of life”. Its good to see funny in things that might not seem so in the big picture.
    The list is clearly a p*ss take, not to be taken seriously :D
    Im sure NFL is just takin the p*ss out of the current climate/recession and not out of other members of the site !! They do it in the cartoons in papers all the time.

    All the best,


    This is strange – people are saying “see the funny side of things” to Liam as if he wasn’t trying to see the good side of things.

    There’s no black and white here – it’s not good for the people that have lost their jobs, but things aren’t really as bad as the media is making out (but when is the media’s interpretation of things ever accurate?)

    It’s easy to see why Liam might be annoyed by NFL’s post but I’m sure he’s not heartbroken. :)


    Oh yeah, meant to say – I thought this thread was about another rise in the price of lenses. Now that would be bad news.

    miki g

    People need to be optimistic during tough times and believe that things WILL get better. If a boxer in the ring thinks he is beaten, he gets beaten. We got too used to having the good life with the Celtic tiger years. You couldn’t fill the jobs that were available. Now things are not so good ,but we can recover if we can think positively. Jobs are not likely to be created if employers think it’s of no use to do so. Nfl was, in my opinion ,having a bit of craic and not at anyone’s expense and was man enough to apologise if someone thought it was taking the p*ss out of them. Ideas are often created out of the most unlikely places, (such as this thread). Personalities may clash from time to time and opinions differ, but thats life. Also if we didn’t have bad news, the newspaper people would probably be out of work too.


    TBH I dont see where Liam is coming with this post and would agree with John.

    If I lost my job in the morning I would quite simply loose my House and my Car
    and be living with either my Girlfriend or my brother.

    I sell office furniture and I am since March selling approximately 10K per month
    yes thats €10,000 . . . this time last year, month on month up until then for sure
    I was averaging €45,000 !

    My basic salary is crap and a big addition was the commission which has more or
    less dried up with the amount of new office furniture business that is out there.

    Now I dont go around with my head low and being depressed but I am genuinely
    fearful of what is yet to come, I am still enjoying photography and having the craic
    so long as it doesnt cost too much because my first priorities are Mortgage, Car,
    Bills !

    so yes they are fhecking bad times, I have one hell of a noose around me neck
    at the mo with the above and it will never be the same as it was, never and im not being
    pessimist im being realistic.

    miki g

    Hi Alan. I understand that you have financial pressures as indeed do many of us, but the point I’m making is, that we need to change our way of thinking. We need to look forward and not back to how things were. Things are bad for office furniture sales, yet Ikea made a huge investment in Dublin recently. They must see a future in it. Maybe by finding different product lines etc, business can improve. I don’t have money to save since being out of work, but I am saving money by not buying all the stuff that I used to buy. In the ’80s we thought there was no future for this country but it not only pulled through, Ireland went on to be one of the greatest economies on the planet. So by saying “never” it’s like saying, we give up. I don’t think there is an easy solution to the problem, but there are ways out of it, we just need to change direction. Fe^k I’m starting to sound like a politician and rambling on (and on and on). Keep the chin up pal, we’ll get out of this mess somehow.


    people are saying “see the funny side of things” to Liam as if he wasn’t trying to see the good side of things.

    Two completely different things.

    Funny, as it applies to some of my posts on this thread.

    Good, as it applies to Liam’s perception that the recession isn’t that bad and short time has its perks.



    Now that’s funny! :) :D

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