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Balcony shot

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Balcony shot

  • johnc24

    Hi all

    I captured this image from my balcony so no eye candy
    I used 3 exposures to try and get the best image

    Unfortunately in the time I was getting my tripod the clouds had vanished.I think cloud detail would have added to the overall image

    What do you guys think? Also any suggestions for improving it in PS would be appreciated.

    Also im going to throw in my HDR attempt at it also!






    HDR is definitely easier to look at. Gets rid of the orange hue over everything. Maybe if you try boosting the exposure right up and see can you get more stars out of the sky (I’m assuming you shot this in RAW) would make it a bit better. Apart from that the lights are still far too blown, even in the HDR version. A more underexposed version into the pot might be able to balance this out in the tone mapping phase.


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