Bands Video shoot.. i dunno!

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Bands Video shoot.. i dunno!

  • conorlawlor99

    These are just a few pictures I got of my friends band during there video shoot, you will have to tell me how good or bad they are… kinda new to this. Thanks. The band are called The Murder Clues.


    I think you’re onto something with the last one,
    though the execution lets it down-

    In my opinion, the flash beam is too tight, it needs to be widened, or have a diffuser added-
    You’d need to be careful that none of the members are shading any others,
    and for the sake of making an easily legible picture,
    you might take more care in excluding anything that doesn’t add to it-
    the curtain rail- not always easy to see when you’re taking it-

    I like the shadows on the wall, it’s a good look-
    would be worth getting that shot right-

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