Hey guys, just some of the shots I took at the basketball match in my old school a few weeks ago. Clonaslee VS vs Nenagh.. 1st years.
These are the first sports shots i’ve done.
C&C please
First one is not bad, lots of movement in it. They suffer from slow shutter speed blur, this happens when you have to deal with the natural light of an indoor event and all you can do is crank up your ISO and try get a shutter speed of 1/500 (you need at least that to freeze action)
The rest depends on how fast your lens is ( f2.8 is the fastest , as it allows more light into the camera sensor)
The backgrounds are clean and free from people which is good.
Try this next time
ISO 800
AV Mode
f4 (if you have it,looks like yours was f5.6?)
Continious burst mode (the one with the triple squares,” one shot mode” has one square next to it)
AI Servo ( this will track any movement, as log as you keep your finger pressed on the shutter,well half way until you decide to take photos)
Indoor sports photography is pretty difficult due to the lighting. For 1/50 and 1/30 they came out clear, considering the moment in the photo. The only way to freeze the action is to increase the ISO for the same lens if shooting wide open, but the higher the ISO the more noise will be present in the photo.
You can also use a wider aperature lens to help in low light, a lens such as the canon 50mm f1.8 would allow much higher shutter speeds than the kit lens, but the focal length of the lens will then influence where you can get a photo on the court.