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  • Niallman

    The sprint for ice-cream!

    Beach legger by NiallH, on Flickr


    Hi Niallman,

    56 views and not one comment. Its happening more and more so I ask that you do me a favour for commenting on your image and that is that you have a look through the site and find another 2 images which have had a lot of views and no comments and give a comment yourself and maybe we can start the ball rolling again :)

    I like the idea here but there’s something about the image that does just not work for me. I have had a look at it a few times and I think I see why now. I think the child is positioned wrongly in the frame because if you look at the shape of his legs and follow the line he is running in it looks as if he is running out of the left side of the image. I think if he had been positioned to the right side of the frame it would make for a more balanced shot as he would be running towards the centre of the frame.

    Just my opinion

    Mark S.


    Hi Niallman and Mark S,

    I’m a couple of the 56 views.

    I wanted, as always, to make some comment on the image but couldn’t work out what to
    write that would be constructive.

    That happens me sometimes on here. I have to come back to an image a few times……
    If it was in an exhibition or in a book or whatever I would probably just move on but it’s on PI …
    People post images in the critique sections here to find out what we think…..presumably

    This got me thinking as to what I am looking for in an image.

    I think it might be like when I listen to a song and there’s a hook.
    Wonderful colours, a breathtaking landscape, beautiful light, an amusing scene, a memory, a story, a great expression…..

    I didn’t see the hook here…..but why?

    The subtitle says “The sprint for ice-cream!” I can’t see this in the image as shown.
    The people on the beach are very small in the frame so I can’t make out what’s going on up there.
    With a longer focal length the scene up ahead, where presumably the aforementioned ice cream is located, would
    be larger in the frame and the story would be clearer.
    You would obviously have to be further away from the boy to keep him the same size in the frame and maybe this wasn’t possible.

    Sorry for being a bit long winded but maybe some of the other viewers had the same dilemma as I had…What to say.




    Hi Niall,

    I like the feel of the photo….. 1950 ish vintage look.

    Following on from the lads comments above, I am fine with the positioning of the child running out of the shot.
    However I do find my eye is drawn to the top of the shot (people, dry sand and embankment) away from the subject.

    Title doesn’t quite convey the image.



    Hi all,

    thanks a million for the comments. Its always interesting to hear other people’s opinions of a shot and what they see in it.

    Interesting point raised by John too about not knowing what to say. I often find that myself, sometimes I either like or dislike a photo but can’t explain why. Must make an effort to spend a bit more time making comments. As Mark says, it has gone a bit quiet in the last while.

    Thanks again.

    – Niall

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