I’m recently back from a holiday across USA. I got a loan of a Sony DSC-H2. I developed an interest in photography while over there (although that’s easy with the locations, you can’t go too far wrong!!)
Interesting idea with the first but I don’t think it really works well. Looks a bit too over processed to sit easy with me. The statue of liberty is a bit overdone as well. Love the 4th shot though. Easily my favourite of the set. Looks a beautiful bit of scenery. The shot gives good sense of actual size and the layers and colours work well. nice shot.
Cheers (other) Brian :D or Brian 2 if you prefer :lol: Yeah, you’re right, they’re definitely a bit on the over done side. Rookie mistake I suppose. I’m too lazy to go and have another go at them! Thanks for the comment..
I really like theses shots. Not so much the last one. but the rest are interesting.
The first looks like a macro shot of a model city.
I like he effect on the statue of Liberty, even if it’s over done. The colours on the tree shot are lovely.