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Belfast Architecture shots

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Belfast Architecture shots

  • Deebo

    Some shots from my lunch time outing.
    Weather was very sunny and bright, so skies blown on most of my shots. What I managed to salved

    The beaten docket:

    The arrow:

    Belfast Tech1:


    Cheers. Dee


    Interesting series Dee, I like the first best, great sense of scale……I’d suspect thats more to do with how you took the photo….are the buildings actually as imposing as they appear in the photo?


    Cheers Liam,
    The beat docket pub and the buildings in the background are separated by G. Victoria street. This is a wide 4 lane main road. I tried fitting all the tall buildings in on the shot but the angles very hectic, photoshoped for about 40 mins and then give up :-(

    I liked the sign with the bright gold letters. but the sky was too bright in the colour version so I thought mono worked best.
    Thanks for the comment


    Nice set of shots, I like the ones of the Belfast tech best, the first one being the best, like the composition of the second, but it goes abit soft towards the top of the building


    Cheers PD, I think I have the last shot with a different aperture to give it full sharpeness. I intentionally tried it like this to emphasise the bricks in focus
    Thanks for the comments


    Great, i go to Belfast the odd time with the intention of taking photo’s but Architecture is kinda beyond me? I like these shots and i think i see what it’s about a little more than before. I especially like the first shot in BW. I’ll have to get there again soon and have another crack at it!


    Hi Richy
    Thanks for the comment. I tend to spend once or twice a week strolling about the town looking up for strange or quirky angles. I have a real interest in buildings now. I think I lack the stones to take full on people shots incase I end up having to argue with someone. So buildings are easier to shoot. Its amazing what we miss when walking about town. Try it sometime,

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