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  • maesdavid

    hey ya im heading to belgium in two weeks for a 10 days where is a good sport to go for photos id like to do some buildings wildlife and nature any advice appriciated


    That is a biggie! It is just as difficult to answer as “Can you give me a nice tree in Ireland”. It also depends on what you like of course. Villages, cities…
    But to keep it a bit general, I’d say head for Antwerp, rent a bicycle and move around a lot. The centre is full of renaissance buildings from the golden age, the train station is a nice combo of old and modern and right behind that is the Zoo, which is in a wonderful state of disrepair.
    Also the suburbs are full of atmosphere. You will find the architecture to be very typical. Good photography there.
    The parks are a bit dull and boring. If you have the time then head north to the dutch border. A place called Kalmthout. It has a nice heather landscapes.

    Of course there is lots more, but if you want a lot in a relative small area, I think Antwerp is a safe bet.


    thanks a mill


    Brugge is a geat, well worth a day or two.

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