i’ve recently moved over from london and wondered the best way to find out about jobs in the photographic industry in dublin / surrounding area . . either within studios or assisting.
Jobs within the studio/assisting area can be far and few between. For assisting work, best bet would be to pick up a range of Irish magazines…from Image, Irish Tatler even to the Sunday papers (ie. Independant) and see what photographers have shoots in them and then look them up and email them. I’ve been assisting a photographer for the last 6 months or so, and that’s how I got my job. But expect not to be paid for the first few jobs that you would do, which is the norm.
Ps. Also I see that your site isn’t fully up yet, so it might be advisable to have a pdf portfolio made in the meantime that you can forward to folks or upload to your server and send them the url