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Big Cheese

  • PeteTheBloke

    Did yeese see the moon tonight?!

    Unfortunately, I didn’t manage a good photo, but this was my best effort.

    I can see plenty wrong with this shot, but who can tell me what I should have done to get it right?


    Hi, The moon is very bright. To capture the moon and the foreground, would need a couple of exposures blended together.

    A full-moon will typically be half the exposure that you’d use for a bright sunny day. “Sunny 16” at shutter = 1/iso ish.

    So ISO 100 F11 1/125th


    andy mcinroy


    Mine were much the same. I think we have overexposed in the red and the green channels. The luminosity histogram looked OK at the time because the blue channel was not overexposed. There is a lot to be said for the old rules. There we are using all the fangled new gear and we would have got a better exposure using the old sunny 16.


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