If “big rock on a beach” is a question then yes, it is.
It’s not enough to dominate the image tough. Have a look again, and in paricular what yo can do to incorporate the background to the right of this rock.
Yep – thought I recognised it. There’s a slight blue cast on both Pat. It can work, and looks OK but looks cold…maybe it was! And nice to see our next venture in the background too. This beach has potential.
Lots. I was on the Skelligs about two weeks ago with Madra Rua. Lots of puffins but they weren’t fishing yet. We were told that the puffins would be bringing back fish to their young around now. I was thinking only yesterday that we should go to the Saltees to see them coming back with fish as its closer than the Skelligs. Maybe next weekend, Hauke is in Germany at the moment.