The blue tint on the wheel in the second picture. Was that there when the picture was taken. It looks weird. Somebody cycling through wet paint maybe? Would prefer a slightly closer crop on the second one as I think there is a tiny bit too much wasted space in the picture but the crop on the first picture is very good.
Could be paint, Im not sure. The crop I used was to try to isolate the patheticness (is that a word?) of the bike only having one wheel = pretty useless.
Yeah I can definitely see what you were aiming at and the background definitely helps that overall feeling but I would crop a tiny bit off the top, just to isolate the bike a little bit more. I find my eyes quickly wandering looking for what else is in the picture becuase the bike is a bit small. But I suppose that gives the sense of patheticness (not sure if its a word or not but I like it) that you were looking for in the picture.