I kept this quite dark as I would normally spot a blackbird lurking under the bushes, the first
thing I would notice would be the bright orange beak and eye ring.
Cheers guys n gals, the light was very bad all this grey sky around and it was in the garden
which is very overgrown, and to top it off it was through the window so I was very surprised
that it came out at all……..just goes to show the less I try to get a decent shot the better :lol:
Haven’t had a lot of time to pick up the camera the last few weeks, but I am off to New Zealand for
a whole month on Friday…..yippee……my son is getting married so I will probably be sleeping with
the camera in my hand just in case I miss something! :lol: So dont worry if you dont hear from me
for a while I shall be soaking up the sun and working hard on my photography. Have a great christmas
everyone (I hope it isnt too cold)