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Bloodstained Sheets In The Shape of Your Heart

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Bloodstained Sheets In The Shape of Your Heart

  • LaGwardia

    I suppose ‘Fallen Angel’ might have been another title…
    That’s a good pose, and an engaging picture, but there are some things which jar slightly, for me-

    You will, of course, have a different perspective, as the producer of the shot, rather than the viewer-

    There is obviously a narrative here, but as a viewer, I’d question some things-
    Is the heart really necessary, or is it gilding the lily?
    And the little tv set-(if that’s what it is) same question-

    I suppose it could have been any object you chose to use-
    it just seems a bit prosaic to me-

    The other thing is the choice of colours-
    It seems to me that the film is straining to register the whites,
    while retaining detail in the black fabric-

    I suppose it might have been possible to develop for this…

    Still a good picture though, and good model too-



    thanks for the critique…
    the clock says 6.19, same time I took the pic,
    the title is from a song with the lyrics:

    ”6.19 and I know I’m ready,
    Drive me off the mountain,
    You’ll burn & I’ll eat your ashes’

    I think I over contrasted the pic allright, it was taken in pretty bright daylight coz we had the blinds open and i used ISO 800, should have maybe made it 400 or so….


    I think what JB is saying r.e. the heart is more subjective than anything else. I happen to like it. For whatever reason I don’t know, it just seems to add to the image for me. It’s almost like your own personal signature Greg-always making it a little different than the norm (in this instance the clock and heart, in other cases, other objects!). Without it I reckon it could have been anyone else’s photograph!

    And well, apart from that, you already know what I think of it from commenting elsewhere :) Nice work.


    Her left foot catches my attention, it jars a little. I keep feeling ithat her toes should be extended rather than being tucked up against her other foot.


    I think its a lovely shot and very evocative.
    Good work and love the pose


    I know nothing about this type of image but I really like it… I agree with Pixelle about the feet.. the only thing that distracts me from an otherwise great image…!



    great composition

    top marks

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