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BnG Portait

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BnG Portait

  • eas

    Had a great time with this couple. They where great fun, agreed to take 30 mins out for some set ups on a beach down the road from the church.

    Just curious what peoples impressions are of this. Shot with a single sb800 with help by the chauffeur – handy!


    I like this one. Especially the underexposed sky. The off camera lighting adds an extra dimension here. It takes skill to make it happen on a fast shoot such as this. Certainly sets it apart on a visual level. Perhaps it would be nice if you’d let a little more ambient in to bring up some of the very dark shadows?

    Though as I look at it again, I can’t help but think the interesting lighting has taken centre stage over the moment with the bride and groom. It has a certain fashion feel to it, in a detached sort of way. But I think that will come. There is only so much you can concentrate on at once.

    Its a really nice one overall. My comments are suggestions to improve. I hope they are constructive.


    The bride will love this as it brings out the detail on the dress. It’s like an oil painting.
    Their expressions leave me a little uneasy. He’s thinking, “I’m bored…” She’s trying not to laugh. I don’t know what to suggest though.


    Thanks for the comments above –

    Peter – this is the first time I’ve tried this lighting with a bride and groom. I took a few shots and showed them to the couple, they said they liked so we went on. At first I thought the same as you about the harsh shadows, but the more I thought about it the more I think this is right for this type of photo, at least for me. (I’ll probably change my mind on that once I learn how to do it properly :lol: )

    I did get a good amount of them wrong too. In this particular photo if the grooms chin was turned just slightly it would make it a whole lot better. Like you said time was not on my side here, this is from one of about 5 sets we did in less than half an hour. I did learn a few things from the exercise and got some keepers to boot.

    The lighting certainly is dramatic, but I think it makes them look fantastic and on top of the world. A “hero shot” for wedding couples.

    Pixelle – I agree about the expressions. Knowing them I think it suits their personalities quite well. There’s a little bit of “ooolala”in her face, witch I like.

    thanks again for the comments, for what it’s worth here’s another one. This one the flash is zoomed out quite a bit more. Next time I do this I may set two flashes up and cross them. I think that would help.

    thanks again for the comments. Any other suggestions welcome.


    The one comment I’ll make is the black sockets around the eyes, especially the grooms…always watch out for this, as important IMO as keeping the detail in her dress (which you’ve done well here).


    thanks Mark, agree 100%.

    I think fill flash from camera and keeping the key light off camera will do the job.


    I love the first shoot – in addition to the lovely portrait of the couple, you have managed to create a slightly surreal feel with the background, much
    like the very old painted portraits of historical figures! (hope you make sense of this) :D


    For me the pose and facial expressions in the first shot are really unpleasant… totally unnatural and no engagement between the pair and/or with the camera.

    The second is much better in terms of how the couple engage with the camera, far more natural looking post and simply put they look happy. Not sure about the flash though… very harsh… too many shadows for my liking.


    thanks for the comments guys – appreciate it.


    I know I am nto in any league to give out c&c but I think a tad lighter would be great, but in saying that agreeing with other members the detail in the dress is captured lovely.

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