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Book Review for Beginners

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Book Review for Beginners

  • icarus

    Hope this helps some of you like minded beginners out there.

    Recently purchased the recommended book, Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson. I am a total novice to photography with no background whatsoever, to set this in context, six months ago i had no understanding of photography beyond pointing and shooting a canon ixus on holidays. This book arrived from Amazon and has been enlightening, it explains the concepts of aperture, shutter speed and ISO in a way that your average 5’8″ can understand. Setting the exposure is no longer a complete mystery, i’m not thick but i found the combination of these three variables somewhat daunting proir to acquring this book. I have had the book a fortnight and am shooting in Manual!! I never thought this was achievevable for me, the images even look reasonable. So anyone starting off this really is a must buy. I have never completed a book review in my life but feel if this can help me there are a lot of potentially much more talented photographers out there that should be educated in the wily ways of Mr Peterson.


    Just to mirrior what Icarus wrote.

    I’ve read about 20 books cover to cover since I took up photography (I’m a reader, in fact I spend more time reading than shooting, not good, lol) and this is the book I’d recomend to any newbie. It is a very easy to read and understand with lot’s of good examples,

    I’m happy to loan it to anyone on the site that promises to return it. Also have his other one learning to see creatively and lots more if anyone is interested.



    I have to-day gone onto amazon and got the Peterson exposure book not only is it recommended here but also on other threads and all over Amazon. I also wanted to get a book on understanding the whole digital process. that was a much harder buy. I eventually went with Doug Harmon’s Digital Photography Handbook. Has anyone else got this. I didn’t like what I read of Scot Kelby’s writing style, so I didn’t get his highly recommended book. Anyway I’ll let you know how I get on when I know myself.

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