I did stop my car and took these shots. It was 2 AM and wasn’t dangerous.
Stoping a vehicle in the motorway (if non on emergency situation) besides dangerous (at any time of day or night – especially in the 3rd shot where you are facing back to incoming trafic) it’s Ilegal! Although cracking shot’s it wasn’t very smart imho!
As to the pictures themselves, they are all great although i wouldn’t recomend anyone to go and try and recreate them!
Not dangerrous at all. That time you may have one car per 5 minutes and you can see if some car is coming.
Ciaran, you don’t think that most photographers are somehow ‘nuts’? :lol:
Being a bit “nuts” is one thing, engaging in a ilegal act while endangering yourself and others it’s a completely diferent story in my opinion Roberto! But if i ever see someone roaming around a motorway i’ll wave to you!