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British Quad Challenge in Timahoe

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British Quad Challenge in Timahoe

  • ctwomey

    Hi all,

    Here are a couple of images I took at the weekend in Timahoe, Co. Laois. Pretty harsh environment for taking pictures as the dust was everywhere. Luckly I had two camera bodies and didn’t need to change lens which would have been a complete no no.



    First one is cracker. Compositionally, its nice how the rider sits between the dust on the left and the sky on the right. And I like how the rock in the bottom right balances the frame. Your timing is perfect – as he turns through the jump.

    It looks like the sun was pretty harsh. Perhaps a little flash would have helped to add detail to the rider and make him pop from the background.

    The rider in the second shot is really sharp, but I prefer the composition of the first.

    Nice shots.


    Thanks Pete,

    I have a number of shots where the rider is just a silhouette and I should have used fill-in flash to get around the cast of the sun. I had fun cleaning out the dust from the lens and cameras later.


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