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Brown bear

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Brown bear

  • beth

    taken at the asheboro zoo.



    Looks nice and sharp. Lots of catchlight in the eyes. Two things: You’ve cropped the leg at the bottom and with a bit of work you can bring back the blown out highlights on the blonde section.


    thanks joe, yea, i wasn’t happy when i realized the back feet were cut off..
    the blonde section has detail in it at full size, just doesn’t look it in the web version.


    Nice, looks very natural setting, not that I have ever seen a brown bear
    in his natural setting but I am guessing this is what it should look like!
    He had very impressive claws and a great expression, nice that he is looking
    right at you!


    Very nice image Beth. I love these guys along with Polar bears.

    When i was on the Blue Ridge Parkway last week i was driving along when suddenly sitting on the wall on the right hand side of the road was three black bears. It was a mother and two cubs(if cubs is the correct word) I hit the breaks and tried to grab the camera but i only had a 12-24 lens on the colour body at the time so i could not get close ups but below is what i got :-) Basically when i stopped the car they were as shocked as i was so the mum jumped off the wall to cross the road but only one of the cubs followed. The second cub hid behind the wall (you can see the second cub if you look closely behind the wall). When the mother realised she only had one of the cubs she went back to get the cub this is when i took this shot. Its not a great quality of shot but i like it cause its the first time i saw a bear in the wild and not in a zoo:-) Was all over in about 5 seconds so you have to be prepared which i wasn’t


    oh wow! congrats martin. i have never (and i mean never) seen a black bear on blue ridge parkway or even a surrounding road. not even in close by pisgah forest.. i’ve been on brp at least half a dozen times in the past 4 years and at least twice a year for 18 years prior to that.
    we did see a black bear cub run across the road in florida going from ocala to daytona, but i didn’t even have the camera out of the bag and it was gone by the time i blinked. heck, at first we thought it was a large dog.


    I missed a black bear there last year. But I did see a Bobcat. Took me a few moments to realise what I was looking at. Didn’t have time to grab the camera … it was gone into the thick woods before I knew it.

    If you want Black Bears…. you can’t beat western Canada. Saw 20 odd by the roads over 3 weeks there in 2005.


    Brilliant picture, great eye contact here.

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