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Brown Shell

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Brown Shell

  • paperdoll

    I took this on Portmarnock Beach about 2 weeks ago…Just trying out my new lens.

    Any tips for macro photography anyone?


    I really like the colour and texture in this shot… nice and strong. I think I’d flip it, I somehow feel that I’m looking at it upside down, and perhaps a square crop ?? …

    My niggle with this is the DoF…just a teeny bit too shallow for me – I would prefer to see more of the shell in sharp focus. Having said that, I still like the shot alot !

    Good Stuff ;)



    Lorraine..just reading your reply there..and wanted to ask a question. How DO you adjust the DOF in a shot like this..or any shot for that matter? Is it just a case of closing down the shutter or is there more to it than that?

    Paperdoll…I like the colous in this too, but I can see what Lorraine means….would be nicer I think if the whole shell was sharp.

    Which lens did you get btw?



    Hi Robbie

    Ok – What I know is …DoF can be controlled by Aperture generally and Focal Distance .. the wider the aperture then the greater the DoF, and likewise the longer the focal length . This was shot at 2.8 so thats a pretty wide aperture.

    The problem I find with shallow DoF is that you need to be careful when you select the focal area.. with shallow DOF everything before and after the focal area(sharpest point) fades out of focus and the shallower the DoF the faster this happens..

    Anyway – in case I’ve managed to confuse you more – heres a good explanation and a DoF Calculator from Cambridge in Colour



    hey Lorraine/Robbie. Thanks for the comments – looking back I think I have to agree with you both. I got a wee bit carried away with the depth of field! My kit lens widest aperture is f3.5 so there was a bit of a novelty factor coming into play with the new lens (sigma 105mm F2.8 – Valentines Day present!)

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