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B?s in ?irinn – Death in Ireland

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B?s in ?irinn – Death in Ireland

  • joolsveer

    Memories of the German War Cemetery in Glencree.


    I’m guessing that this probably would mean a lot more to someone who was Irish, but purely from a photographic point of view, I’m not a big fan – too much going on, and no obvious structure or composition.

    I get the point, but critiquing it as a photograph, rather than an emotional or historical image, it’s not doing it for me.

    Hope that doesn’t come across too harsh – just being honest!



    I’d say theres a documentary aspect to them which I am interested in as a photographic subject matter – I wouldnt mind seeing some of them in a non-collage format.


    ich bin traurig, diese abbildung gef?llt nicht mir. ich mag nicht die collage.

    warum gibst du nicht ein oder zwei bilder separat bekannt?

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