Nice shot. There’s a bit of banding around the sun but I do like the effect the long exposure has had on the people. The one at the back is fairly sharp and then moving forward they gradually turn to smoke. Very nice. A bit too much water at the bottom of the shot for me. Don’t think so much of it adds to the shot but apart from the couple of nit-picks a very strong image.
Oh and embedding images in the post might get more replies. Photographers are an awful lazy bunch…. :wink: :lol:
this is a really lovely image, well done. fantastic. I don’t mind the amount of water in the foreground, it adds to the sense of scale, distance and space in the photo.
Nice………I could do with a bit of that! it puts me in mind
of the evolution of man from neanderthal to photographers :)
some might say not much difference!!