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Business Tips

  • fig

    If you’re interested in photography as a business (especially digital photography) I suggest looking at one or both or Dan Heller’s books.


    I don’t have any plans to go pro but I was sent an “editor’s choice” book from a club one month when i didn’t cancel quickly enough. It was:
    Making Money from Photography: In Every Conceivable Way by Steve Bavister

    I’d imagine that anyone who wants to go professional should firstly have clear ideas about where they’d like to specialise. Indeed, as a business analyst, I’d be concerned about the chances of success of anyone who didn’t have some focus (no pun intended). But as well as the specialist areas where the main earnings, and enjoyment, will come from, it will usually be necessary to have some diversification, or secondary areas, to bolster the main income channels. This book could help with selection of those secondary areas. It really does provide a very comprehensive survey of making money from photography in just about every conceivable way. It provides lots of ideas but it is not merely a listing. It discusses the pros and cons of the various areas. If I had placed this posting in the Books section with a fuller review I’d have given it a 8/10 rating.


    I’ve heard that it’s a good book ‘making money from photography’
    … even if you’re not looking to go pro

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