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  • shutterbug

    Tracey…..I live between Kilcoole and Newtownmountkennedy and they always seem
    to come down over Killadreenan and fly around the field in front of my house and then
    disappear back up to Kilmullan Lane.


    I was looking back through old posts, this being one of them and the excitement of seeing a Buzzard flying over my house, eleven years on I still get excited only now they are almost a daily occurance, with maybe five or six circling above.
    Just lately we have had another visitor in the skies over Woodstock a beautiful Red Kite, a sight I thought I would never see, but see everything comes to those that wait!!
    Red Kite by Jenny Vaughan-Coughlan, on Flickr


    Oh thats lovely Jenny. Exposure spot on. Lucky you to have these near you.

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