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Camera Club activities

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Camera Club activities

  • shutterbug

    I have the honour of being the Chairperson of Greystones Camera Club and have almost completed my first year, it has been a very steep learning curve for me, hence my absence from this site over the year! Though I have enjoyed it immensely it has been difficult thinking up activities to keep the club fresh and interesting.
    We have had some really interesting speakers, a few great outings, an exhibition and plenty of workshops and competitions over the year, how do I keep it that way? I would love to hear about other clubs activities, and indeed share ideas for club nights.
    We recently had Mian Photography visit us, they did a light painting and exploding light bulb workshop which was great fun, so if anyone knows a few more like that it would be great, also interesting speakers, would love to hear from you!
    Any ideas gratefully received :D

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