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Camera/Studio Shops in Dublin

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Camera/Studio Shops in Dublin

  • Ivan_Gomez


    I just relocated from the US to Dublin (I am actually from Mexico) and I am trying to get back into my hobby after 3 months of hard relocation. I am looking for a couple of places here in Dublin and maybe somebody can help…

    1) Where to look for backdrops. I am setting up a small studio at home, mostly for product photography and need a table top backdrop with different colors, etc. Any ideas for stores here in Dublin?
    2) Working on a small project to take pictures of miniatures. Looking for small human figures similar to those sold on model train stores. Any store like that here in Dublin?
    3) Any good recommendation on camera clubs that do a lot of outings? Lots of good places to go and take pictures of Dublin.
    4) Finally any good place for printing/framing my pictures. Looking for a good place with good quality paper, color calibrated printers, etc.

    Thanks again in advance

    Ivan Gomez


    Ivan_Gomez wrote:

    1) Where to look for backdrops. I am setting up a small studio at home, mostly for product photography and need a table top backdrop with different colors, etc. Any ideas for stores here in Dublin?
    2) Working on a small project to take pictures of miniatures. Looking for small human figures similar to those sold on model train stores. Any store like that here in Dublin?
    3) Any good recommendation on camera clubs that do a lot of outings? Lots of good places to go and take pictures of Dublin.
    4) Finally any good place for printing/framing my pictures. Looking for a good place with good quality paper, color calibrated printers, etc.

    Hi Ivan,

    I can try to help with some questions :

    (1) In Dublin – probably Paddy Barker from Cork (advertises here) should also be able to help.
    Many people also buy via the internet from the UK and the US.

    (3) Your nearest club is probably and the largest in Dublin is probably


    hey ivan

    i can help you with printing and framing


    Welcome to the site-
    and to Dublin-

    If you go into Gunns Cameras on Wexford Street
    you can get all your film supplies and you can talk to John Gunn about your model train miniatures-
    they used to sell them there,
    and they might very well still have some tucked away in the back of the shop…


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