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  • ulinka

    The main problem I have with this photo, is that the photo is too large for a average resolution screen. On one of my screens it’s fine, but the other I have to scroll right to view it, and it’s not giving it enough justice therefore.

    What you should do is find an image that you like the size of, right click it go to properties and write down it’s pixel size and then match something similar to that with your photos….get me?


    got u but i reduced size of the pictures several times and dont get why they’re still too big. i don’t how’s that, because i know how to use most of the options in PS or photofiltre or on the laptop…sorry again for the trouble.
    thanks for all your understanding


    Image seems fine now Urszula.

    We recommend no wider than 800px so it’ll fit on everyones screen.
    Anyhow, nothing to get too worried about, just makes it easier for people to
    give you good critique back :)


    hi mark,
    thanks for comm again,
    it’s just when you start with new things, you never really know all about them, and u re struggling to find out what to do and how to do things properly, and you don’t want to annoy people ;)
    should be fine now !

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