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Can this shot go in the wedding book

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Can this shot go in the wedding book

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    This shot was a snap shot taken at a wedding over the summer, The bride and couple of the brides maids are friends of mine, and while joking around with them during the shots they unexpectedly did what you see above before doing something else.. it was a passing, but very funny moment ( but i guess you had to be there ),
    My Question is, is the photo ” suitable ” or” appropriate ” for a wedding book, where the photo could not be removed later. In this case the B&G wanted the shot , so the question not should i add this, but would you add this..

    C&C welcome



    awesome :) it really depends on the b&g. and the family. cos they might be cool with it but granny might have a few palpitations over it. and if I were to put it in an album, i’d leave out the caption cos the photo is pretty self explanatory. word. :)


    I’d be leaning towards not putting it in. It’s a tattoo type situation – seems like a good idea now, but in ten years when you realize it was a mistake it’s too late =)

    If your tempted to put it in, I’d ask Sophi.


    If they want it in, put it in! Simple. Customer is always right (mostly!).


    I thought we were talking about the text? Why wouldn’t it go in otherwise?

    and….in my experience the customer is seldom right =)


    thanks for the comments

    eas: yes, i was talking about the text as that was exactly what was said at the time, but, as i said, it was a snap shot, one shot, one fleeting moment, ( all be it a very funny moment, but you had to be there ) There is very little space around the brides maid on the right of the shot, and as you can see the bridesmaid on the left of the shot is clipped slightly. There was no time to re-shoot the shot unfortunately.

    For the record, Sophi and Stephen both wanted the text in the wedding book, but on reflection i think the suggestion of leaving the text out of the photo in the book and suggesting standalone version of the shot with the text in it would have been a better idea, wish i had thought of it at the time :(

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