Although point and shoot cameras* with affordable lenses have been used widely for candid photography, the resulting photographs can suffer from vignetting, distortion and over saturation of color. Due to short reaction times for the photographer, exposure or focus may be slightly off. Since flash cannot be used, pictures are often taken at low shutter speeds and show blurring from movement of the subject, or camera shaking. All these faults are usually considered acceptable because of the limitations of candid photography.
I wondered if people experienced in street and candid shots agree with the above that it is acceptable for candid shots to be slightly off as described. *The words point and shoot cameras* is a link to the wiki on that subject so i am not sure if they are saying it is acceptable with P&S or with any camera.
A good shot is a good shot. Sometimes blur gives a picture movement sometimes vignetting focuses the eye. In mode digital exposure is almost always fixable but it all depends on what you like. There is a unpolished rawness to classic street photography. More than some other styles it is all subjective. A great street moment captured reasonably is better than mediocre street moments captured well.
Blurring of a subject moving can be acceptable in certain shots, but I don’t think many photographers would be too happy with camera shake or out of focus shots. I’m surprised there is no mention of shutter lag being a problem with cheaper P&S cameras.