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Canon 400D (Body only) SOLD

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Canon 400D (Body only) SOLD

  • Norris-wf

    I’d like to sell my Canon 400D DSLR. It is in perfect condition and looks as new, however the original rubber eyepiece is missing off it but is on order from Canon. It still has the original protective plastic on the screen. Some specs for the 400D can be found here:
    This is the 400D body only and it can be seen in the pictures below. it also come with the following:
    Spare strap
    Remote control (slightly damaged but works perfectly)
    1GB compact flash card
    rubber eyecup
    Spare battery (non canon brand)
    all original software and documentation

    I am asking 300 euro for the lot or 360 with the kit lens and filter.

    If you have any more question feel free to ask me


    Price dropped to 280 euro

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