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Cheeky sparrow

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Cheeky sparrow

  • Noely F

    Superb images yet again Noely. Great DOF and framing, and the blown whites really bring your subject to the forefront. Cracking shots, both of ’em.


    Noely F

    I was about 2 metres away and took the shot using onboard flash, first time I’ve used it for birds!
    I have to save for an SB600 :wink:


    Lucky to be able to use the flash twice. I would have assumed the bird would fly off after the first burst.


    jlang wrote:

    Lucky to be able to use the flash twice. I would have assumed the bird would fly off after the first burst.

    If you get within 2m of them, I imagine it doesn’t take them long to come back.

    Did you have to remove red-eye?


    I like them… Maybe a tad too flashed… just a little less might have been better… also i know when I take bird shots I try and keep feeders etc out of the shot… pick a branch that they sit on before or after feeding and try to photograph them there… even maybe hide some of the food in a crack in the tree or something… make the bird as wild as possible..!;-)


    make the bird as wild as possible.

    Attach the seed to a branch with superglue – that makes them really wild.


    Nice shots, specialy the second one.
    I agree with Richie about the light.


    Nice and sharp! You did well not to blow the background. Very well exposed.

    Not Pete the bloke

    Is it wrong of me to critique these in the same way one would critique a people shot? Don’t get me wrong, this is not the type of shot that I have much experience of, but personally they dont have any appeal other than as ‘bird snapshots.’ The overall composition could surely be improved – branches and accessories and bits of wood etc are either not straight, or are getting in the way of the subject.
    I know the bird is likely to fly away with any movement from the photographer etc, but if this is a particular hobby or interest, I think you might want to look for a better vantage point from which to shoot the birds?

    Noely F

    I appreciate what you’re saying Brandyman but thats exactly what they are ,”snapshots”.
    If I was in the field shooting birds there would be a lot more planning and stalking until I found the ideal vantage point, whereas in my garden, sitting on my bench…I’m just lazy :D

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