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Ciara (1st shoot) in studio

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Ciara (1st shoot) in studio

  • Sgt_Major

    Met Ciara weeks ago at a motor bike show, arranged a photoshoot, so these were shot in 1hr on Saturday. Took loads, but here’s a few…







    These look a lot worse (too Light backgrounds) on my laptop than my work machine.


    1 & 4 are incredibly noisy as well.


    Yeah, I realised near the end of the shoot that my iso was still set at 1600 from the night before :(


    I know how you feel. I’ve done it loads of times as well!! We live and learn I suppose. Nice model all the same though.


    nice try
    #1 needs better lighting
    #2 needs a diffuser
    #3 needs to be tighter framing
    #4 needs better lighting


    How do you mean “better”?

    Not Pete the bloke

    Unfortunately I cannot look at the EXIF info as I am using Win Vista 64 bit which does not permit EXIF viewer to work……But if your ISO was at 1600 you must surely have been getting crazy small apertures as a result? Either that or you had to turn the lights wayyyy down in power to shoot at a sensible aperture like f8/f11? That should have been your warning signal, to check that everything was as it should have been.
    It also suggests to me that you were not using a light meter to measure the light, but doing it just by checking the lcd screen and histogram, then tweaking the aperture on your camera until you liked what you saw?


    I had no light meter, thats true, shoot + adjust was the way I shot.

    Must get one if Im gonna keep doing this sort of shoot


    Kombizz, it would be good to provide some more details when you provide tough or negative critique


    Ok I might be talking out of my arse here so by all means beat me up :oops:

    I dont think a light meter is essential ( :shock: ) your camera has a light meter and you just needed to keep an eye on your aperture and shutter settings which the camera would have dsiplayed and these should have told you something was a bit off as Rossco said.

    That said in the heat of battle etc and leaving the ISO on an inappropriate setting is something we have all done more than once so dont beat yourself up about it.

    Now I have only done a few portrait shots so take anything I say with a pinch of salt there was no exif data on the images when I pasted them into elements so my observations are

    Very nice model who obviously you had at ease and was up for different poses and did some clothes changes so well done you for asking her to pose for a shoot.

    1 is under exposed although that might have been the intention? personaly I would have exposed this more if the backdrop which she is sitting very close to became non black I would have burned it back in photoshop.

    The only distraction in this shot for me is the bra strap which leads me to a story bearing in mind what has been said about touching the model a workmate was at a wedding where the photographer actually just went and tucked a womans bra in and didnt even ask he just did it!

    2 I dont think the lighting is wrong on this it depends on what your going for some would diffuse it some like the sparkly look and she has very good skin mere mortals would have to be diffused :)

    3 I like this one was this a wide lens? sometimes going very wide and shooting from a low angle can make the legs look very long which can be interesting just an idea :)

    4 like 1 i think its too dark not sure if you were going low key or trying to stop the backdrop appearing other wise great pose and nice parasol :)

    5 I think is too dark and maybe a lighter background? hair framing the face to me always looks very flattering and maybe if the camera angle was a higher?

    Personaly I think for an hour you have done really well as i said take what i say with a pinch of salt I as i am rubbish anway


    Thanks for that!

    They were all shot with the same lens, 18-135. #3 was at 32mm but I was on a ladder. :)

    The lighting on this laptop looks so bad compared to what I see on my work machine, so at least one of them needs calibrated :p

    When I noticed her bra strap, I just told her it was showing, and she tucked it in, I would never dream of just tucking it in for her LOL!

    Her skin was perfect, No PS was done on any of her skin in these.

    The biggest negative on these was the ISO I think. If I’d noticed that, I think Id have had better control over the blacks + lighting. Oh well, will know for the next time :p

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