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Cliffs of Moher

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Cliffs of Moher

  • edg3

    Just a touristy shot I took when I was at the cliffs on Monday. Its not artsy or inspiring but its my first real panorama that turned out well. Thanks to the 17-40mm L I now I own :)

    The actual quality of the image is amazing and its a pity I cant share the full res with you guys. Its actually 13164×3585 in total :D


    Nice pano. A bit dark on the cliffs and the horizon is dropping off to the right.



    I noticed that after i posted it and Im working on the drop off.
    The darkness is due to the sun, we were on one of those bus tours and we got there around mid-day which as you know doesnt make for the best lighting. I literally took it off the camera and put it together. I’ll sort the lighting on the cliffs asap. Still getting to grips with the photomerge tool so should be able to eliminate the drop off next try.


    Nice pano edg3, they are great fun and will always need a little extra work over single frame images.
    You might want to consider tweaking your horizon too

    Looking forward to seeing your next one.

    Kind regards,



    I see where I went wrong with the merging, I should have used Auto but I used Reposition. Next time I try it I’ll have it all straightened out and the horizon will be straight :)
    Its just a pity the cliffs were in the shade when I took them, would have been much nicer in the evening, guess I’ll just have to go back again :P oh no!


    Have you tried TPE (The Photographers Ephemeris) I use it for every single shoot and it’s free for MAC and PC. It’s a priceless tool


    No I havent I just used the Photoshop one, but I might give that a try. Im not 100% happy with how photoshop stitches it together to be honest.



    TPE is a tool for predicting the position of the Sun at a certain time on a certain day.

    If you want to consider some 3rd party stitching software, consider and their Auto Pano Giga. I have been using it for a number of years. IT just great.


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