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Clonmult / Dungourney Point to Points

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Clonmult / Dungourney Point to Points

  • Kenwood

    Tried some horse racing on Sundy with the Clonmult / Dungourney Point to Points

    C&C welcome



    Nice shots. Hope the last horse was ok.

    The white balance in the first three seems a little off though.


    Thanks Paul for comments – will have a look at first one again.

    Yep both rider and horse were ok. The horse stayed down for about 30 secods to a minute & I thought he was a gonner.
    But seemingly its their instinct to do so – like getting their second wind or something.

    Begor you lern something new every day !!!



    If you look at the whites on the jockey for the last two images, and compare them to the first three, you can see the difference in white balance. The first three seem too warm to be natural.

    Not sure if you shot raw or jpg, but just something to be aware of. All of your images should have the same white balance.

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