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Coal tit

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Coal tit

  • beef

    Trying to get a sharp one of these fellas flying from the nearby perch using remote flash but to no avail. They’re so fast and unpredictable! Here’s the best of the others while on the feeder. I was rained off and had to take the flash back inside shortly after…


    Try peanuts… they are going mental in my place for the peanuts but aren’t too bothered with the seed. Once they get a taste for the nuts they should be easy to get close to, I can get within 3-4 feet with the Coal Tits at my place, too close in fact for me lens to focus. Getting one in flight would still be tricky, very tricky, as they are so fast.

    I’d also look at running this shot through some sort of noise removal software. The background is a nice shade but very noisy. I do this will most of my as you’re forced to use high ISOs to get faster shutter speeds to keep up with these fellas.

    I try to keep feeders out of my shots of late, unless it’s a rare bird or one for id. Just not natural looking.


    I was using what looks like the same kind of seed mix, but they were throwing half of it on the ground. Changed to peanuts, and there is much less waste, don’t have to refill it as much either.

    EDIT: What amazes me, is how they even find the feeders in the first place…..


    Thanks lads – I’m not normally one for bird feeder shots and to be honest was more interested in your thoughts of the effect the flash had on the shot? I wouldn’t ever ordinarily use flash in a wildlife shot but I actually quite like the effect here… Once the rain fecks off I can set up the flash near some bushes which they use as the platform for their feeder raids!

    whyulittle – it tooks these lads a few days to find the feeders but once they did – mother of jaysis they’ll have me skint! :)

    Thanks for the comments.


    Being honest beef I can’t see any extra benefit or effect of the flash in this shot. If you told me you didn’t use flash I’d be none the wiser.


    That’s a good thing so! If you saw the murky, blurry results before I set it up you’d see some difference! :)
    In fairness I only set it up to try and catch the buggers in flight – in vain…

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