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Cockchafer Beetle

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Cockchafer Beetle

  • steelydan

    Found this guy in the early hours of the morning, after finishing a 10 hour shift. Caught him in a jar and took about 10 shots before he got his breath back and flew off again. Placed on a white piece of paper facing towards evening sun.


    Very good……..dont often see them also called Maybugs presumably because
    they are around in May??? I remember finding one about a year ago and took
    a couple of close ups but he could see himself in the lens and and started rattling
    the little orange yokes in front of him and kind of stood up in attack mode……..frightened
    the bejaysus out of me and I retreated (they are not small :O )


    yes he did that to me also. and made the buzzing sound as he took off.


    when i was living in rugby you would get loads of these things for a few weeks may/june big and noisey and they love fly into your windows at night bang! scared the crap out of me too :)

    The grub of these is quite big and eats the roots of grass and other plants when there are enough of them they do a lot of damage I believe on the continent they are a pest


    yip, one of these guys had me awake for days when i was a kid. he slammed into my bedroom window just after an episode of the x files. found one a year later and they are nice little creatures, they certainly have attitude, but are completely harmless. would love to get a photo op of one of these guys.

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