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Code of practice

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Code of practice

  • wjklewis

    Hi guys I need to compare a couple of codes of practice for a course I a doing could anyone give me a link to one either their own or other professionals.

    Many thanks John.


    not sure if this is what you mean. Its from the MPA. If its terms and conditions have a look in my website.
    Hope I’ve not mis-read what you are looking for.

    MPA Code of Professional Conduct
    Members of the Master Photographers Association are governed by the Memorandum and Articles of the Association and in accordance with Chapter 5 of the Associations Articles of association, are bound by this Code of Professional Conduct.
    In the event of a member being found to be in breach of this code, the executive has power, in its absolute discretion, to expel or suspend that member from membership, or from any particular grade of membership, or to apply such other lesser sanction as may be appropriate.
    The Clauses given below indicate the general standard of conduct to which members must adhere when carrying out their professional duties:
    Any confidential information acquired by a member in the course of his/her professional duties shall not be divulged to any third party.
    Conduct themselves so as to uphold the reputation of the Association and with it the spirit and dignity of their profession.
    Strive continually to uphold the professional standard of their work and to improve the standard of practice in the profession as a whole.
    Deal fairly, honestly and helpfully with their clients, employer, employees, suppliers and fellow members and when required to give professional opinion shall do so conscientiously and without malice.
    A member shall exercise all reasonable skill, care and diligence in the discharge of their duties and, in so far as any of their duties are discretionary, shall act fairly and in good faith.
    A member shall ensure that advertisements and other public announcements with which their name, or the name under which they practise is associated, are not such as would bring the Association into disrepute.
    A member may use only with their name the Association designatory letters to which they are entitled; and shall not use any other designatory letters or other description to which they are not entitled.
    A member shall at all times and in all respects conduct their professional and business operations within the law.
    A member shall abide by, and assist the Association within the terms of its conciliation service whether such service be requested by them or their client.
    A member shall co-operate fully with any investigations into an alleged breach of this Code.
    A member knowingly condoning a breach of this Code by one of their fellow principals or employees shall be responsible as if they themselves had committed such breach.


    Gerry thats just what i was after

    many thanks John.


    no problem, John. Glad to help anytime.

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