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colour space

  • Isabella

    the question of colour space has come up before, as has discussion around why photographs on the internet can look vastly different depending on what computer/browser you look at them from.

    i came across this article today which gives a simple and informative overview of the topic…


    Interesting article and site! Hadn’t come across that before. Thanks for the heads-up. :)


    Ah, interesting, did not know Safari was able to display Adobe RGB images.

    I guess at the end of the day the web is for the most part about maintaining compatibility for the widest audience as you’ll never know who (or on what device/ software) will be viewing your images. For that reason, I can’t see myself wanting to opt for anything other than sRGB for the web.


    although safari is ment to be able to do AdobeRGB properly, the fact that almost all monitors cant display anyway near the whole of adobeRGB

    i would say your right that sRGB is the best option for web images

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