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Commercial look?

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Commercial look?

  • randomway

    I was looking for something to shoot in the Wicklow Mountains and the only thing I found was my car. I was trying to get a dark advertisement look. What do you think?


    I quite like this (he says, surprised). The sky is class and the way the horizon(s) slope towards the car is good.

    You should have shut your window though.


    i think i quite like it as well..
    was this done in ps or some hdr software?


    Pete: It was a very sunny afternoon and I loved the wind, that’s why the window was open… I didn’t take shooting it seriously. Otherwise it was my first thought as well.

    Beth: It’s only converted from RAW with some slight distortion in WB to improve the colours. I used two ND grad filters to darken the sky and give the gradient on the top (that’s to match the tone of the cars blue with the sky).

    Thanks for the comments! What about the darkness? Does it work for you?

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