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Connemara night time, Long xp

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Connemara night time, Long xp

  • Taken 2ish on Fri morn.. wasn’t planing on going out taking photos, but about 12 or so had a look out at the clear skys and on impulse loaded up the car. The exposure on this was 1 min or so, f3.5 and 1000iso, had to physcially hold the shutter down in bulb mode as my remote is broken. I was lighting the foreground with my phone while doing this, all the while balancing on a rock beside fast moving water in the pitch black… hard work! Focusing is the hardest part of night photography, it took a few attempts to get right.

    I think in future I’ll take a separate exposure for the sky focused at infinity at a higher iso, the stars are moving to much over 1 min and I think they would look better if they were clearer with less trail. Ideally I could use a wider aperture for the sky too but f3.5 is all my lens will do. All c+c welcome.


    Not seen an image like this one before and well done.


    Hi Rob,

    You went through quite a bit of effort to make this image and to my eye you
    have produced a very good photograph.

    Like Rory I have not, as far as I can remember, seen a similar image.

    very nice and I look forward to seeing more.



    Considering the effort you put into getting it, it turned out extremely well. How close were you to the edge of the frame of the shot when you were lighting the foreground?

    Thanks for the reply’s folks!

    np72 wrote:

    Considering the effort you put into getting it, it turned out extremely well. How close were you to the edge of the frame of the shot when you were lighting the foreground?

    Very close, I had the phone in my left hand while holding the shutter with my right. so the light is coming from just behind and above the camera.

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