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conner pass

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conner pass

  • Thomas Gee

    I like this Thomas. Only niggle is the dark hole on the bottom left. No detail in it but still a lovely shot

    Green glens

    Lovely shot Thomas. Beautiful sky. I think you could improve it by cropping the bottom third and let the fence lead you into
    the scene.

    A beautiful part of Ireland!……John.

    miki g

    Hi Thomas.
    Great composition & lovely front to back detail. I agree with Sirvad that the shadowed area is a little bit distracting, but it looks natural to me.


    Like this allot. Superb colours in this, a superb sky. Allot to like about this, well done

    I see some detail in the shadow area bottom left. Not sure if people have their monitors calibrated…


    Beautiful! i do agree with the hole area being distracting though. I see detail too, just distracting detail. there’s nothing really interesting there but a rock. A crop just up to the start of the fence would work for me, as someone suggested. And it would make the hills your main focal point, led in by the fencing. You can instantly see the difference just by scrolling your image until the start of the fence is bottom of your screen. After looking at it that way for a minute, then scroll to reveal it all, and see the bottom foreground area doesn’t add anything really.

    Lovely colours, love the sweeping clouds and the contrast between the blue and green.

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