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cost of Filters

  • Dee Dee

    Hi was just wondering how much Filters would set me back . Im not exataly sure which ones to purchase . From one post i was advided to get the P.System from Cokin . Are these good and how much ????


    You can pick up a set of cokins for not a lot of money try 7 day shop
    I have been using cokins since I started and they are just ok
    I want a set of Lee’s but cant afford them but the are the dog’s whatsits
    Another brand is hi-tech which fit into the cokin filter holder and are better quality than cokin
    Is it landscape photos you will want the filters for if so you will want the ND grads

    This is the lee starter set and this crowd are good to deal with I have been told″ onclick=”;return false;


    Dee Dee

    Thanks for the Advice . Its mostly Landscape and Animals i tend to shoot .


    The cokin system may be a good bet as they are cheap so you can buy quite a wide range of them, plus adapter rings for as many lenses as you want to try them on, this allows loads of experimentation and maybe then later on get higher-quality Lee in the ones you use the most. I like Hoya screw-ins for polarisers, far less hassle than the cokin filter. Don’t forget your UV Protector filter as well!


    I would recommend only 2 filters for colour landscapes,

    1] A circular polarising filter

    2] Neutral Density graduated filter’s in the Cokin or Lee range

    and if I had to choose one it would be the CPL


    Off Topic, my Dublin shopping trip on Monday .

    Yes, thanks folks, I’m definitely buying a few polarisers ( Nikon , Bronica and Sony fit – Nikon fit the Mamiya and Panasonic cameras ! ) when I go to Dublin on Monday – it’s taken me 44 years to get around to it , sheeeesh . ( I’m an Old Pro started up again, you can never quit this addiction, a nurse out of the the local Mental told me I haven’t a hope , has a whole ward full of Hopeless Photographer Cases , he grinned ! ) .

    What’s the best shop for polarisers in Dublin ? Gunns as usual ?

    I also have to get a camera to flash cable for a Courtenay Studio flash and broll set in my small home studio, a cheap version of the wizards if I can find them anywhere in Dublin , as although my Fuji Finepix S2 Pro is flying it still after 8 years, I think the Courtenay set ( bought cheap in Halesowen, West Midalnds, England, Fire Stock , and still brand new though it was manufactured back in the 1970’s ) , may not be safe for the Fuji as it could be reverse-voltage ( the cable being for my Bronica SQA and Mamiya 645 ) . Maybe infra red triggers would do, where in Dublin ? The Fuji S2 , being a Nikon F80 body, will take up to 250 volts, so that’s OK .

    Careful – many Canons only take 6 volts maximum from electronic flash !!!

    I prefer to shop in Gunn’s of Wexford Street , a fabulous couple of people run it , they look after you genuinely , I wonder right now if Gunn’s would have what I want , anybody have an email addy for them , I’m here in Kilkenny .

    Studio Backdrop – I’m thinking of simply painting the wall white for a Home Studio, any particular specialised white paint ? The only spare room ( ground front room ) I have is tiny , only 12 long by 12 wide , but 15 foot ceiling , so I wouldn’t have any space to squeeze for a proper backdrop, I’m thinking ???

    I also want to buy a top 2 1/4 square enlarger , of anybody knows where, or has one for sale ?
    ( I often shoot on film SLRs and scan to computer ) .

    Hey, and where in Dublin will I find the cheapest copy of Photoshop ? ( I’m on Free GIMP ) . Anybody have a copy for sale, I’ll buy that too .

    ( There’s no truth in the rumour that they’re letting me out for the day on Monday ) .

    Thanks very much , Michael .

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