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Crab Spider

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Crab Spider

  • Mikka

    Some Crab Spiders at Boora Parklands 10 June 2012. I waited and waited and waited for a fly to land and be pounced on but to no avail.

    Canon 7D, Canon 100mm f2.8 USM Macro, 1/250″, f11, iso 200, Canon MR-14EX Ringflash 1/16 power

    Canon 7D, Canon 100mm f2.8 USM Macro, 1/125″, f16, iso 200, Canon MR-14EX Ringflash 1/16 power, Tripod & Cable Release

    Canon 7D, Canon 100mm f2.8 USM Macro, 1/125″, f16, iso 200, Canon MR-14EX Ringflash 1/16 power, Tripod & Cable Release

    miki g

    Excellent shots Mikka. Crab spiders would be among my favourites, but strangely, they are very scarce around here this year, but we have plenty of flies. :lol: :lol:


    Great stuff! I like he web on the flower bud in the first shot! Did you do anything to enhance it?
    He seems..feisty. Still a creepy-crawley to me though! :D


    I dont think I have ever seen one, they look great….are they also known as Ghost spiders?
    or am I dreaming that one up!


    Great shots, looks like he wasn’t too happy about being photographed – looks like he’s about to pounce! :)


    Thanks all for taking time to look and comment. There seem to be lots of these around my area at the moment. I think the sticky silky web reflected the ring flash that I used.


    The first photo is just amazing, great photos

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