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Critique my pics

  • Gerl

    Ok boys and girls .

    Say what u like and more important what u do not like I am a big boy I can take it !!!!!!!!!! :roll:


    If I am in the wrong section sorry fairley new here.


    I was going to say a bit of panning would help but i see on another thread your not a fan of it
    All the same you have a nice set of sharp images


    Alan Rossiter

    Hi Ger,

    For your own benefit it would be advisable to get ot grips with embedding images – it’ll improve your C&C rate…if that’s what you want. I don’t often go through linked images but as your coments on another thread eluded to a level of expertise I said I’d have a gawp.

    #1 – You must have been in a privilaged position to get this shot. Nicely captured in the weather. You were using a flash?? I thought this was a no-no in motor sport but I’m far from being an expert – I never got one of those day-glow bullet proof jackets to allow me close enough for a shot.
    #2 – Interesting capture and again I suspect some forward thinking allowed you to be in a position to capture it.
    #3 – Not sure about this one – interesting technique on the motorcyclists part but I feel there could be more detail on the underneath of both the rider and the bike.
    #4 – I like this one – Full of detail, interest in that you can see the driver and co-drivers faces and the trail of burning rubber smoke.
    #5 – Sharp, but not blow away amazing. Funnily enough the buildings in the background which would normally be a distraction help to frame this one.
    #6 – The opposite side of the road to #2? Yeah, nice capture and timing and you can almost expect the bang to shake you.

    Overall they’re a nice set. There’s a few great motorsport photographers on here that may give a more detailed assessment of your selection. To me they’re OK.



    I did panning

    But while u are getting u speed right down u miss this stuff

    Alan Rossiter

    I know what you mean about panning – everyone thinks you have to pan to do sports photography. You prove different, especially the last two. It’s the unusual shots that interest me more. The panning is fine, but so well practiced that it’s the point of critique in most cases. Minis nose first in a ditch, the glowing discs of an Impreza, etc.

    Keep ’em coming.



    i could keep them comming for the rest of the year but I am really interested in maybe what non motorsport people thing of them ,i joined some camera clubs and entered some competitions etc and heard such stupid comments I just had to go.

    In fact a friend of mine went to Finland and got a massive pic of Markko martin in the Focus so high u could walk in under it a friend of his said lets join the local camera club ,They had a so called expert in the night he went down and the expert was commenting on the pics and came to my friends one and said this is trick photography using photoshop to enhance the height of the car. My friend said no its straight out of the camera but expert kept saying photoshop and all the mups in the camera club seemed to believe the bluffing expert.



    One of my favourites of the year


    One of my favourites of the year

    Alan Rossiter

    I can see why. It almost looks Photoshopped…but we won’t go there. Pin sharp and perfectly timed.



    Very good set and different to the usual slow pan shots.
    Agree with Alan on the last one, its a cracking shot and the folks peeping out from the rocks work brilliantly but I can suspect that people will think it looks manufactured die to the sharpness of the car. Maybe a quick soft blur might help



    i gave it one touch of sharpness in photoshop I give most of them just the one touch but its fairley right straight out of the camera.

    I think they are either in or out and I find sharpening something thats really out looks strange after or mabe i do not know how to do it right !!!


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