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Crossed The Line

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Crossed The Line

  • Jay King

    Been posting Holga shots lately… so one from my digital again… although looking at it now it could actually be Holga lol!


    I really like the idea behind this one and great title…great for an anti binge drinking campaign ( I can see a few people roll there heads in laughter as i say that… :D ) . I’m sure you will get various interpretations. It’s a real pity the shot is soft but that said – it still works.


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Whatever brought that to mind Miss Alison?

    Jay :)

    It does look really Holgesque!

    And actually if you go with Ali’s theme…the softness adds a bit of blur to the whole idea of too much drink 8)

    Jay King

    Ali – haha I never actually thought of it as an anti-drinking campaign! Don’t know what I was thinking tbh! The softness is killing me alright… “killing me softly, with his blur….” (you’re all lucky I didn’t make the Karaoke night!!)

    DenverDoll – funny, it does work for that theme alright! And I think the softness came from the fact that I was drunk when I took that… with camera in one hand a beer in the other!!

    So a pretty authentic and similar scene as to what I actually saw!!


    :lol: Thats it Jay – you’re coming to the next drinking binge :D


    Funny shot!
    We can imagine a lot of stories with that, well done!

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