My first computer was a BBC model B – the ‘model B’ made all the difference. Apparently.
My first ‘real’ camera was my dad’s Pentax S1a, which I broke some years ago whilst foolishly trying to take it apart.
But my ‘actual’ first camera, at the age of about 9 and long before any notion of photography took hold, was a Kodak Brownie.
Between the Brownie and the Pentax was an assortment of many kinds of instamatics, 110, 126, even some cheap & plasticy (but functioning) Russian 35mm cameras.
My first camera was a Zenith II but had to wait a while for my first pc which was a compaq with a mind blowing 4mb of ram, complete with floppy drive and external 3.5 inch diskette drive, ahhh the days when your software came compressed on to about 15 floppys, although in comparison to some of the rest of you I probably faired out ok.