You don’t get to see one of these everyday… The car belongs to a man I
work with, he had it in town today.
I persuaded Jessops to lend me a camera for 20 mins so I could take a few
pictures and they very kindly gave me a compact.
I know the pictures are pretty rubbish, but still, it’s by far the coolest car
I’ve seen.
That’s a real 80’s status symbol. I was looking through the young lads car magazine recently (he’s 6… :roll: ) and these are still being made in the US.
There great nostalga images Sinead and a little bit of arty-farty work on the first two and you’d be in a magazine. The third is unfortunately made less interesting by the background, if you could say that about a De Lorean.
I know, not a great location Alan, but not much I could do about that.
There were at least 4 people taking pictures on mobile phones when
we got there.
I have been looking for one of these for a shoot for my portfoilo ! but they are hard to find there was one at a car show a cpl of years ago but i didnt think to ask at that time.
Sure you could pass on my details lol ;)